Arkiv | november, 2014

Ramana Maharsi Ashram

7 nov

Fortellinger fra India. Barnebarn Kristiane er der. Flere blogginnlegg på bloggen hennes. Vi følger henne på reisen.

Going on an adventure

I think I first heard about Ramana Maharsi in Mexico when I did a 10 day silent retreat at Agama Yoga. At the end of it we all got a little laminated picture of him wich I have carried with me ever since. And now I am actually at his ashram here in Tiruvannamalai!!!

I took a local bus here from Chennai. The busterminal in Chennai is really confusing, everything was written in Tamil, nobody spoke english and I was the only foreigner. Somehow I found the bus and took the 5 hour journey sitting on the hood of the busengine. Of course the driver honked every 5 minutes, wich I have gotten somewhat used to, and it is kind of a friendly honk just to say, scuese me, passing by, move a little til the side will ya. Not like in Norway where you honk only if your mad…

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